6 Tips for Traveling Solo

Have Confidence

Being on your own can be as intimidating as it is exciting. Maintain a confident and open posture as you explore. 

By doing this, you'll seem approachable to the people you want to meet, while deterring the rest. Feeling unsure? Act as if you're confident, and soon enough, you'll genuinely feel it. In other words: Fake it until you make it.

Arrive Early on Day One 

Nothing is more stressful than being rushed, especially on your first day of a new travel assignment. Ensure yourself enough time to get to work, ideally arriving ahead of schedule. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression— make it a memorable and positive one.

Make Friends with Coworkers

One of the easiest ways to settle into a new place on a travel assignment is getting to know your coworkers. Discover shared interests, perhaps inviting them for a post-shift coffee or planning an enjoyable activity on a day off. While you may not become close with everyone, building a few friendships can significantly contribute to the success and positivity of your travel assignment.

Explore your New Town

Given the temporary nature of your assignment, ensure you set aside time to uncover and explore your new city. Seek advice from colleagues or online for suggestions on local activities and dining options. You never know, the location of your assignment might appeal to you so much that you consider returning in the future.

Stay Connected with your Recruiter

When you find a great recruiter, they will be with you every step of the way. They are on your side to make sure you find the right travel assignment for you. If there are specific things you desire from your assignment, don't hesitate to communicate these to your recruiter. Once you get on your assignment, be sure to check in with your recruiter from time to time.


It can be stressful being in an unfamiliar place by yourself, but do yourself a favor and relax. You’re here. You've initiated the first stride towards a fresh adventure. Take in the experience, gradually and courageously, one footstep at a time.

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