7 Insider Tips for First-Time TravCon Attendees

TravCon is the ultimate gathering for travel healthcare professionals, offering a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and have fun. As the largest conference of its kind in the United States, it brings together thousands of travelers and agencies in Las Vegas every September. If you're attending TravCon for the first time, this guide is packed with insider insights from our seasoned recruiters who attended last year. Here's what you need to know to maximize your experience.

1. Embrace the Atmosphere and Network

TravCon is not just about learning—it's also a fantastic place to network and make lifelong connections. One of the top pieces of advice from our recruiters is to let loose, have fun, and socialize. Meeting new people and networking can lead to valuable connections. Just talk, making the most of every opportunity to engage with fellow attendees and recruiters. Aim to make ten strong connections and exchange contact information to build a robust professional network.

To continue the networking and stay connected with fellow attendees after the conference, join our TravCon Facebook Group! It's a great way to keep in touch, be the first to know of exclusive giveaways and events and get advice from experienced travelers!

2. Pack Smart

Packing for TravCon requires a bit of strategy. Comfortable shoes and clothes are a must, as you'll be on your feet exploring the conference and the city. Many recruiters also recommend bringing an extra empty suitcase for all the swag and goodies you'll collect. Essentials like water, snacks, and even simple pain relievers like Tylenol can make your experience more comfortable. Don’t forget your phone charger—keeping your devices powered up is crucial for staying connected. Lastly, take a look at TravCon’s official packing list here.

3. Maximize Your Time at Agency Booths

The exhibition hall is a hub of activity where you can meet recruiters and learn about different agencies. Our recruiters suggest chatting with different recruiters at multiple booths to get a sense of each agency's offerings. While free swag is always enticing, focus on gathering valuable information that can help you in your career. Be strategic—know what you're looking for and ask questions that matter to you.  Ask about the types of assignments they offer, the support they provide while on assignment, and what sets them apart from other agencies. 

4. Navigate the Venue and Las Vegas Like a Pro

Navigating the large conference venue can be daunting, especially if you're unfamiliar with Las Vegas. Use landmarks to orient yourself and consider making multiple passes through the exhibition hall to ensure you don't miss anything. Keep your phone with you at all times for maps and quick communication. It's also helpful to download any event-specific apps, such as the Las Vegas - Travel Guide USA, that can provide schedules, maps, and other useful information. In addition, join TravCon’s official Facebook group to get advice from veteran TravCon attendees. 

5. Pace Yourself

With so much to see and do, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Remember, TravCon is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself and take breaks when needed. Whether it's resting in your hotel room or taking a moment to relax at a quiet booth, don't feel pressured to be on the go constantly. Schedule your day with breaks in between sessions to recharge. Consider attending TravCon's free morning yoga sessions! These are a great way to start your day relaxed and energized, preparing you for the activities ahead.

6. Plan for Extra Fun

Las Vegas offers endless entertainment options. While the conference itself is packed with valuable sessions and networking opportunities, consider attending after-hours events or exploring the city’s famous attractions. Some recruiters highlighted the fun at TravCon’s AfterParty at Drai's nightclub and other after-hours spots, which provide a great chance to unwind and bond with fellow attendees. Pro tip: be sure to review Drai’s dress code policy prior to attending. Take advantage of the city's attractions, shows, and dining experiences to make your trip even more enjoyable. 

7. Stay Open-Minded

Finally, TravCon is what you make of it. Go in with an open mind and be ready to experience new things. Whether it's trying out new technologies at the booths, attending a lecture, or just chatting with someone new, the possibilities are endless. This is a unique chance to grow both professionally and personally.  Be open to learning about different specialties, locations, and opportunities that you might not have considered before. 

TravCon is an exciting opportunity for travel healthcare professionals to learn, connect, and enjoy themselves. By following these tips from experienced attendees, you'll be well-prepared to make the most of your time at the conference. Whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned attendee, there's always something new to discover at TravCon. Enjoy the experience and make it a memorable one! And most importantly, don’t forget to come say hi to us at booth #440! :)

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